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Irregular vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is a condition that many women encounter. It can be divided into two categories: physiological and pathological vaginal bleeding. The former one which includes normal menstruation and postpartum lochia discharge belongs to the normal physiological category. And it won't endanger female health. However, pathological vaginal bleeding is different. It not only does damage to women, but also is a manifestation of physical illness.
Irregular vaginal bleeding refers to the vaginal bleeding that occurs either at the wrong time during the month or in inappropriate amounts. It can be caused by many factors such as ovarian endocrine dysfunction, abnormal pregnancy, cancer, reproductive tract inflammation and some systemic diseases.
Irregular vaginal bleeding can be divided into the following types: 
1.The menstrual flow increases and menstruation is prolonged, but the menstrual cycle is normal. This can be a sign of uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and uterine bleeding. In addition, women who have intrauterine ring may also suffer from increased menstrual flow. 
2.There is decreased amount or duration of menstrual flow (hypomenorrhea). Hypomenorrhea can be caused by overactive thyroid function, certain kidney diseases and some oral contraceptive pills.
3.The vaginal bleeding lasts for a long time. This is mostly caused by genital malignancies such as cervical and endometrial cancer.
4.Vaginal bleeding occurs during or after sex. Females may have diseases like cervical erosion, cervical polyps, cancer or submucosal fibroids. 
5.Spot appears before or after the menstruation. A small amount of bloody discharge before or after the menstruation is usually caused by ovarian dysfunction. However, it can also be caused by endometriosis
6.Females have bleeding between menstrual periods (intermenstrual bleeding). Women who are ovulating normally can experience light bleeding between menstrual periods. In addition, oral contraceptive pills, IUD, psychological stress, certain medications such as anticoagulant drugs, and fluctuations in hormone levels can also be the reason for intermenstrual bleeding.
7. Women have irregular vaginal bleeding after menopause. If the woman is in childbearing age, she is very likely to have pregnancy-related diseases such as miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and hydatid mole. However, if the woman is in postmenopausal period, she is more likely to have cancer.  

8.Paroxysmal vaginal bleeding occurs. This means females may suffer from Primary Fallopian Tube Carcinoma (PFTC).

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Symptoms_Checker/230.html


To cure asthenozoospermia, herbal treatment with dietary therapy can maximize the curative effect

Asthenozoospermia is the most frequent seminal alteration and causes of infertility. In clinic, it refers to a condition that the forward movement sperm of grade A and grade B are less than 50%, or the grade A movement sperm is less than 25% in semen parameters. In other words, the disease refers to the decrease in the motility of sperm. For the treatment of this disease, the herbal medicine diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill with dietary therapy works best to asthenozoospermia.

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory pill is invented by Wuhan herbalist Dr. Lee Xiaoping with over 30 years’ clinical experience. It is reasonably combined by more than 50 kinds of herbs, making it effective to cure asthenozoospermia. 
The prescription is made from Plantain Seed, Dianthus superbus, Talc, Polygonum aviculare, Safflower, Peach, Angelica sinensis, red peony and dozens of Chinese medicine. It works effectively on asthenozoospermia caused by acute or chronic inflammation of epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate etc.
As a national patented drug, the effect of the herbal medicine is recognized all over the world. Besides, it can also meet the demand of clinical cure. In general, patients can feel great improvements at the end of the first month, and the effect will be obvious if they continue taking it.
In addition to this herbal treatment, dietary therapy is also important. Then, what diet should they take in their daily life? Some foods which can boost both the count and motility of the sperm are needed. For example, the Loach soup, Shrimp fried leeks, Longan and Jujube soup, and C. deserticola porridge. 
In addition to the four therapeutic sides, for the choice of food, the foods rich in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables are necessary. Besides, moderate exercise is needed in their daily life. It is better for patients to take 20-30 minutes’ exercises every day. 
To sum up, with the herbal medicine and the dietary therapy, asthenospermia can be cured eventually. It is worth noting that when taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, there are some food taboos. For the detailed dietary restrictions, you can consult the online doctor:

8 Tips Help to lower the Morbidity of Necrospermia

There was a necrospermia patient who got a cure with the help of Dr. Lee. This patient told Dr. Lee that no one could tell him what brought the necrospermia to him after he visited many doctors in different countries. He was so frustrated until one day he met Dr. Lee. After a careful diagnosis, Dr. Lee told him that his necrospermia might be caused by chromosome abnormality and it turned out that Dr. Lee was right. Therefore, In order to help more men far away from the necrospermia, the followings are 8 common reasons of the necrospermia, Dr. Lee summarizes. 
High temperature
The function of testicles can be hurt by high temperature, so men should avoid staying in high temperature environment for a long time. What’s more, the inner temperature of a running laptop can be 70 degree centigrade high, which means the working laptop can make the temperature of scrotum rise 3 degree centigrade, according to numerous reports. Therefore, men should also avoid putting laptop on legs for a long time.
Men should also avoid staying in a radiation environment. The disqualification decoration materials like marble, tiles, granite and closestool commonly have excessive radiation. Those microwaves with thermal effect like electromagnetic wave, microwave, infrared ray, ultraviolet ray which belong to nonionizing radiation can bring damage to testicles, leading to necrospermia to men.
Chemical materials with phthalate
Phthalate is a widely used material. It can be found in toy, wallpaper, cleanser, lubricating oil, nail polish, shampoo and so on. Phthalate not only can affect man’s endocrine and the morphology of sperm, but also can affect the reproductive organs of fetus if pregnant women paint nail polish.
Short of microelement
Microelements like Zn, Xi, Cu, Ca and Mg are essential to   necrospermia. Lack of Zn can slow down the movement of sperm and weaken men’s immunity, making men to affect prostatitis and epididymitis easily. Lack of Xi can bring harm to man’s testicles by increasing the concentration of oxygen.
Vehicle exhaust
Vehicle exhaust contains numerous toxic materials, especially the dioxin. Dioxin can affect the discharge of endocrine strongly, bringing abnormal morphology testicles, reducing the count of sperm and damaging the quality of sperm to men.
Noise can disorder the endocrine of men, reduce the volume of semen and change the morphology of sperm. Therefore, necrospermia can be caused if one exposes in noise environment in a long time.
Alcohol can affect men’s reproductive ability by causing chromosome abnormality. And the patient mentioned above who got chromosome abnormality is a winebibber. 
Nicotine in the cigarette can affect men’s sperm greatly by reducing the sperm account and increasing the teratospermia.

Pelvid Fluid is Different from PID

Many women mistake PID for pelvic fluid, which makes trouble for the treatment. In fact, PID and pelvic fluid is not the same. Then, we will discuss it in detail as follows.

In clinic, we always see that some women are misdiagnosed as PID(pelvic inflammatory diseases). In fact, the morbidity of PID is not very high. However, because the pathogeny of that is complicated, the right diagnosis looks important especially. We can’t make a definite diagnosis just by the simple B ultrasonic once we find pelvic fluid. When some female friends are diagnosed as PID, they can not be cured after some courses of injection. The reason is that they have never acquired with PID.

The experts notice that, for the women older than 30 years old, they should take farther examination sometimes, such as B ultrasonic, urine routine test, sedimentation test and some other auxiliary diagnostic method, to evaluate comprehensively and make a definite diagnosis.

Because the causes of PID and pelvic fluid are various, we should confirm the pathogeny before treatment. In general, pathological pelvic fluid is often induced by PID or endometriosis. PID is always relative with the bad health habits, such as having sex in one month after menses or delivery, or taking a bath in one month after operation and so on. In addition, artificial abortion and iatrogenic inflammation induced by lax sterilization also can induce pelvic fluid.

Pelvic fluid is a common disease. But many women do no know much about this disease. Pelvic fluid can be divided into physiological pelvic fluid and pathological pelvic fluid. The former is always happening after ovulation or in the early pregnancy. It can always disappear naturally and don’t need treatment.

The causes of pelvic fluid are various. We can produce a certain volume of pelvic fluid by ourselves. And it is more evident after ovulation especially. A small volume of pelvic fluid is not enough to show the issues. We need to do farther examinations to see if there are symptoms such as abdominal pain and vaginal inflammation. And then distinguish between PID and pelvic fluid from a series of symptoms.

The traditional Chinese medicine “Fuyan pill” has an effect on clearing up "fire" and toxic materials and promoting blood and Qi circulation. Inflammation such as PID can be treated. In addition, some diseases such as pelvic fluid induced by the genital inflammation can be cured as well. And because the "Fuyan Pill" is made purely by traditional Chinese medicine, it has no side-effect on the health. you can take it trustingly.

article sourec : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Pelvic_Inflammatory_Disease/2013/1016/140.html

Diarrhea Is a Possible Symptom That PID may Induce

PID is a common disease of women. But sometimes it is insidious and make you confused.

One day, a female patient came to visit Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic. She said that she was suffering from diarrhea these months, mainly in the menstrual period. In the previous days, she had these symptoms at times and she had ever seen the doctor, but it never be cured. Sometimes it was good and sometimes it was bad. Other symptoms were watery, shapeless and smelly stools. But the test results had always shown that the defecation was normal, the same as this time’s. But at this time, it was useless to take drugs and the symptoms were not controlled.

After she took several other exams under the instruction of Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic, doctors have finally found out that the patient may be suffering from PID, which makes her confused: “Would PID induce diarrhea?“

How can PID induce diarrhea?

As all we know, diarrhea is often related with gastrointestinal diseases. And sometimes it is induced by that the diseases of other organs affect the gastrointestinal tract. For example, some women have diarrhea in the prior period of menstruation, in the period of menstruation or in half a month after menstruation. At this time, it is useless to take antidiarrheal. Then we should check if it is induced by the other diseases except gastrointestinal diseases.

The reason that PID induce diarrhea is that: the uterus is located in the front of rectum. When you are infected with PID, the pelvic cavity would congest(it is more serious before menstruation). And the uterus would become softer and come closer to the rectum. Because the uterus is extruding the rectum, the rectum would be stimulated, inducing defecation. If a pregnant woman is infected with PID, the pelvic cavity and uterus would be more congestive.

This kind of diarrhea is more difficult to be diagnosed as PID. We always consider it as chronic diarrhea. If the reason of diarrhea is not clear, we should do gynecologic examination. After it is diagnosed as PID, we should accept treatment actively. Pay attention to rectify preposition of uterus. We can combine traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine to treat it, and actively coordinate with the doctor. Fuyan Pill has a very good effect on curing PID. After curation of PID, the diarrhea would take a turn for the better naturally. 

If female friends have diarrhea for unknown origin, you should know that it is possible to see that PID induce diarrhea. You should have a gynecologic examination to diagnose. If we can find the reason of illness, PID is not so difficult to cure.

article source : http://www.drleetcmclinic.com/Information_Center/Pelvic_Inflammatory_Disease/2013/0923/122.html

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